
Der Kinderklau ist in Deutschland zu einem Wirtschaftszweig geworden - mit guten Konjunkturaussichten, weil unkontrolliert

Es trifft nicht nur ausländische Elternteile sondern auch deutsche Familien oder Alleinerziehende. Es gibt nicht mehr genug "Problemfamilien", um dem ständig wachsenden Bedarf nach weiteren Pflegekindern nachzukommen, also bedient man sich auch der Kinder aus gutem Hause, sofern man davon ausgehen kann, deren Eltern halten den Kampf durch die Instanzen finanziell nicht lange durch. Diese Maschinerie mit ihrer wachsenden Gefräßigkeit hat mittlerweile auch Eltern getroffen, mit denen man sich besser nicht angelegt hätte.

Konrad SZYMAŃSKI Brussels, January 23rd 2012 Mrs Erminia Mazzoni MEP Committee on Petitions Chair ASP 08F136 Dear Mrs Mazzoni, Mr. Max Stadler, German Vice-Minister of Justice expects removal of the Working Document on the alleged discriminatory and arbitrary measures taken by youth welfare authorities in certain Member States, in particular the Jugendamt in Germany prepared by Mr. Marcin Libicki, MEP and approved by the Committee of Petitions 22nd of December 2008 during the VI term of European Parliament. According to representative of German Government document can mislead the visitors of European Parliament's website and should be removed. As a Member of the European Parliament elected in the constituency of Mr. Marcin Libicki in previous Parliament, I would like to ask you to treat this unprecedented intervention with the utmost care. It is natural obligation of every government to defend its legal system and its institutions, however in this case we face unprecedented act of interference of executive power with our own institutional role as a Parliament and Committee on Petitions (PETI). Executive power of any Member State cannot decide about our activity even when its national interest or public image is at stake. PETI Working document on activity of German Jugendamt is not an official position of the European Parliament as a whole. It is regulated in our Regulation and should be understood by high ranking officials in EU Member States. It is also not the only document of PETI touching very sensitive aspect of EU Member States legal system and practice of its implementation. On the other hand working document on activity of German Jugendamt refers to more than 200 petitions addressed to the European Parliament by the citizens of EU Member States, mainly from Poland, France and Italy. Violation of parents and children's rights are clear in almost all of them. Probably the only way to establish clear European Parliament's position on Jugendamt practices would be the decision of Conference of Committee's Chairmen (CCC) to write a report on it by the Members of Committee on Petitions. However, this proposition has been regularly boycotted by many German Members of the European Parliament to this time. Kindest regards, Konrad Szymanski, MEP


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