Every day in Germany about 100 children are kidnapped by a "children welfare" that doesn´t help children, called "Deutsches Jugendamt". Kidnapping children is not a family politics measure while german population shrinks. The children are taken away from innocent families have 3+ children or poor families or religious (christian, islam, jewish) or binational families. The children suffer traumatic from being taken away from their mothers or fathers.The parents suffer, too. The children are given to foster families, and if a child doesnt please the fosterparents, they are given to bad foster families. Each month one or two children die in a foster family. Some families commit suicide just to "escape" from "German Jugendamt".I have eight children being taken away: country courts judges: 1. Too much children 2. Mother doesnt smile in court procedure.3.Mother should work on her deficites by going to the doctors,( I´m disabled, epilepsia caused by forced given general tranqullziers risperidone. I did not give my children Ritalin.) These are thousands of children taken away from their parents and home. Enter Jugendamt to you tube, you will see I dont lie.Nazi methods: Healthy and white babies are even taken away minutes after their innocent mothers have given birth ...
lessEvery day in Germany about 100 children are kidnapped by a "children welfare" that doesn´t help children, called "Deutsches Jugendamt". Kidnapping children is not a family politics measure while german population shrinks. The children are taken away from innocent families have 3+ children or poor families or religious (christian, islam, jewish) or binational families. The children suffer traumatic from being taken away from their mothers or fathers.The parents suffer, too.
The children are given to foster families, and if a child doesnt please the fosterparents, they are given to bad foster families. Each month one or two children die in a foster family. Some families commit suicide just to "escape" from "German Jugendamt".I have eight children being taken away: country courts judges:
1. Too much children
2. Mother doesnt smile in court procedure.
3.Mother should work on her deficites by going to the doctors,( I´m disabled, epilepsia caused by forced given general tranqullziers...
we signed "Stop "legal" kidnapping 100 children daily by German Jugendamt"
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